Hi everyone,

Hopefully you’ve all had a great year and are all well prepared for final essays and exams etc.! The society would like to thank everyone who got involved in society events, socials and the trip this year, we’ve had a great time and hope you have too.

We recently held elections for the 2014-15 History Society committee, with a really good turnout, and some excellent candidates have been selected. Three of last year’s committee have stayed on: Zoey Strzelecki has made the natural progression from Vice President to President, Jen Birdsall has moved from Social Secretary to Treasurer, whilst Andy Day will remain as Trip Secretary. However, there are eight new members, filling existing and also new roles. The new roles are Sports Secretary, Academic Officer and Postgrad Secretary.

This year’s committee would like to wish the new team the best of luck for 2014-15; we know they will be great! Some of the ideas suggested by new members at elections as to how to further our work sounded excellent, and we are really grateful and excited to see history students so engaged with the society. Plans to integrate the society more with student-lead projects such as the Manchester Historian and peer mentors seemed particularly promising. (Meanwhile, rumours that Andy is plotting a trip to Blackpool have us all very jealous that we are leaving…)

Finally, good luck for the end of term deadlines, and revision (what?!) for summer exams. We hope you all enjoy the summer break, and for those finishing their degrees good luck out there in the real world!

Best wishes,

The History Society Committee.

The committee in full:

President Zoey Strzelecki
Vice President Xan Atkins
Secretary Georgie Calle
Treasurer Jen Birdsall
Careers Secretary Jamie Taylor
Social Secretary Matt Steadman
Media Secretary James Nolan
Academic Officer Natalie Sharpin
Sports Secretary Nina Khan
Tour Secretary Andy Day
Postgrad Secretary Stephen Wears