The Hundred Flowers Campaign: designed to promote the flourishing of arts and science or a premeditated act to find those who disagreed with the CCP? By Gabriel Chan

For China, the 20th century was a Sisyphean journey; time and time again, the Chinese rolled a boulder up that steep slope of progress towards utopia, only for it to roll back down and crush millions of lives with it. The Hundred Flowers Campaign is but another flashpoint in this path, one of many visions of utopia that ended up tormenting the Chinese people further.

Bloody Mary: is this a name she justly deserves? By Rebecca Smith

The phrase “Bloody Mary” typically pertains to either the Tudor Queen, murderous ghosts in mirrors, or the eponymous drink. The first of these reigned over England from 1553-58 and remains a controversial figure today due to the roughly 300 Protestants she burned for heresy – a fate that earned them instant martyrdom. The condemnation of such a person as “bloody” when presented with this does appear logical. However, arguably, Mary was given this nickname not solely due to these burnings. The following centuries of English religion and the implications of her gender must be considered when deciding whether “Bloody Mary” is a just name.

Queering Education in Brazil, by Luan C. B. Cassal

In Brazil, LGBTQ+ movements work to resist the discrimination experienced by our community. Annual reviews reveal a high and constant level of violence and lethal attacks, particularly targeted towards trans people. Although social movements fight back against the violence, the focus here is to consider the impact of queering educational policies in Brazil during past decades.