Since it was founded two years ago, the Manchester Historian has grown and developed with each set of editors that has come to its helm. We have been no exception and we hope that the new features in this first issue for the 2013/14 academic year will only make the magazine more exciting for you, Continue Reading
Manchester Historian Applications for 2013/14
Are you in Manchester next year? If you’re interested in taking over the Manchester Historian for 2013/14, please read below for information on how to apply and details regarding the available roles. The deadline for applications is Monday 5pm BST, 13th May. Good luck! Application Checklist Full Name Current year of study (1st or 2nd) Indicate a Continue Reading
al-Qaeda in North Africa
When we say ‘al-Qaeda’, most people think of 9/11, the 2004 Madrid bombings and the attacks of 7/7. Less people know of their effect in the Maghreb region. However, since 2002 there has been a significant amount of activity attributed to the Islamic militant group here, the most recent being their attack on the Amenas Continue Reading
Who were the pals?
Lord Kitchener was appointed Minister for War in August 1914 and, unlike many of his contemporaries, forecast a prolonged stalemate upon the declaration of war. He recognised the importance of mass recruitment and drew up significant manpower requirements in order to meet such high demands. Volunteers were required, and tapping into powerful sentiments of loyalty Continue Reading
Post-exam Prague
Following an amazing trip to Berlin in 2012, the History Society wanted to give this year’s members the opportunity to get to know each other and delve into a new city as a post-exam treat. The end of exams approached and 50 students got themselves ready for a trip to Prague. We piled into our Continue Reading