History of the Politics of Greece

Far-left party Syriza’s victory in the recent electionhas heralded a new age of politics in Greece. It signals another enormous shift in the political landscape of the country. It signals the end of the customary, pragmatic, rational status-quo in existence since the transition to democracy in the 1970’s. But despite Syriza’sradical, far-left agenda, this isn’t Continue Reading

Seppuku- a Suicidal Honour, by Zoey Strzelecki

Seppuku was part of the honour code of Japanese samurai and could be performed for several reasons. Literally meaning, “stomach cutting”, samurai would sacrifice their own lives by method of disembowelment. Performed by the shorter of the two swords samurai carried, the wakizashi could be used to cut open the abdomen, and then upwards toward Continue Reading