First, I’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone on the Manchester Historian team, all our writers and all other students who have contributed to the magazine. You’ve been a fantastic, hard-working bunch and we couldn’t have put out these issues without you.

Secondly, I’d like to thank all the staff in the History department who have helped us and made this magazine possible. In particular, I’d like to especially thank Dr. Sasha Handley who has been an absolute pleasure to work with. I’m delighted to know she’ll be continuing in her current capacity next year.

Lastly, I’d like to give a special thanks to Charlie who has been a brilliant person to help endure all the panicky moments we’ve had throughout the year and has become a great friend!

It is amazing how quickly this year has gone and I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve all been able to accomplish this year. I wish next year’s team the best of luck and I hope to see the Manchester Historian continue to flourish within the department, the University and the city. It’s been an absolute pleasure being editor!

Ata Rahman

This last issue of the year is a bumper edition. We were determined that we would publish issue 8 between dissertation deadlines and the start of exams and here it is. We hope that it will be an enjoyable light relief during the dark days of revision, a welcome distraction to the long slog of research or, if you are very fortunate, maybe a convivial companion to a glass of something refreshing out in the sunshine.
For most of us on the team, this Manchester Historian is among the very last things that we do at university. I can only echo Ata’s gratitude to our great team and the staff who have supported us. I am also really thankful to everyone who has written for us over the course of the year; without them this magazine really would not amount to very much at all.

Ata and I had not met before we were both appointed as the editors last summer, in fact both of us had been abroad. I am delighted that we have got on so well and that we have been able to share the editorial burden. We are determined to appoint two students as joint editors next year on the basis of our shared relief about not editing the magazine alone. I am sure that they will do a great job.

Good luck to you all in your exams! I hope you will all enjoy a tremendous summer.

Charlie Bush